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April 15th, 1935.

Dear Dr. Valentiner:

We are sending to the Museum today three pictures by FRAGONARD, about which I am herewith giving you particulars:

"THE READER" - A presumed portrait of Hubert Robert.
He is seen standing against a window sill; the right arm resting on it. He is turning with his right hand the leaf of a book which he carries in his left hand. He is dressed with a jacket which is bistre (brown) on the inside and has a white scarf around his neck.

From the Collection Rudinoff, a very well known collector who was particularly celebrated 20 years ago and lived at that time in Paris and America. He was a friend of Anatole France.

Exhibited: Exhibition of French Art, Burling House, London, January, 1932, #269 of the catalogue.
A Century of Progress Exhibition of Paintings & Sculpture, Chicago - June 1 to No. 1, 1933 - #214 of catalogue.

Reproduced: La Renaissance, February 1932
New York Times, January 27th, 1931
Illustrated London News, Feb. 20, 1932
Daily Mail, December 26th, 1931

Mentioned: "Les Débats", March 8th, 1932
Memorial Catalogue, French Exh. London, #174

Height: 16-1/2"  
Width: 12-3/4"

The price we are asking for this picture is $40,000.-.

The Canvas is squared but the portrait is painted within the confines of an oval.
This portrait, revealing an intimate pose, represents the person turned three-quarters to the right, the face completely animated by the smile.

We easily recognize in him Fragonard's intimate friend whom he saw constantly, who posed for the celebrated picture in the Salle Lacaze at the Louvre, entitled "La Musique". The person was the brother of the Abbé de Saint Non, the other intimate friend of Fragonard.


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