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Page 2. Dr. W. R. Valentiner April 15th, 1935. Collection: Brisco, Dublin Mr. Francois Boucher of the Louvre wrote a lengthy description of the picture, in which he is especially interested, as he is writing a book on Fragonard in which he has told us he will publish and reproduce this picture. Height: 19" Width: 16-1/2" Price $38,000.-. In reference to the prices of these pictures, I want to tell you that should anybody be interested in either one of them, we would do our utmost to make it possible for one or both to stay in Detroit. Although we do not feel that we would care to make as substantial a reduction as we did in the case of the Antonello, we would gladly make a very considerable difference on these prices. The third picture which we are sending you, as you know, does not belong to us. Since it was left with us by Mr. Jonas, the owner, who was the Comtesse de Lariboisiere, died and left the picture to her son, who died within a few weeks. The picture has been attached by the creditors of Comte de Lariboisiere, but there might be a possibility of still acquiring it. Should anybody want this particular picture, you could let me know and I could cable to see what can be done. In any case, to give you an idea of value, the picture has been left with us at the price of $20,000.-. This picture is a small version of "La Fountaine d'Amour", a somewhat larger version being in the Wallace Collection in London. "LA FOUNTAINE D'AMOUR" A young man and a young girl running, are just about to reach the fountain around which are flying cupids who hold a cup toward the two lovers. Other cupids surround them. Landscape background. The picture is mentioned in Portalis. Exhibited: Retrospective d'art Français, Amsterdam, 1926. Collection: Walferdin Collection Paillard Collection Comte de Lariboisiere. With my best wishes for the success of your show, kindly believe me Yours sincerely, (René Seligmann) Dr. W. R. Valentiner, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan.
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