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[[note]] Crucifixion [[/note]]


January 7th, 1935.

My Dear Dr. Valentiner:

First of all I want to tell you how sorry I was that we had to change our plans at the last moment and cannot go to the Opening of the Frans Hals Show. We had gotten our tickets and made all our arrangements, but one of my clients from the middle West announced himself and Germain developed a touch of grippe, and we thought it would be better to postpone our trip. However, I don't for a minute doubt that you will see me in Detroit shortly again. 

I am sending you herewith five photographs of paintings about which we would like very much to have your opinion. I imagine that with the Exhibition on you will be very busy for a few days, but when you have a little free time please think of letting us know what you think of these pictures.

Will you also give my best regards to Mr. Tannahill and to Mr. Richardson, and with all my best wishes for the success of the very marvelous Exhibition which you have assembled, kindly believe me

Yours sincerely, 

(René Seligmann)

Dr. W. R. Valentiner
Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Michigan. 


P.S. Does the name von Krumhaar mean anything to you?  I understand he is a gentleman from a very prominent family, who was living in Berlin before the War and had a few fine things. Please let me know what you remember about him.

Transcription Notes:
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