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THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT RICHARD W. READING MAYOR Reference Library ARTS COMMISSION EDSEL B. FORD, PRESIDENT ALBERT KAHN ROBERT H. TANNAHILL EDGAR B. WHITCOMB COMMISSIONERS W. R. VALENTINER DIRECTOR EDGAR P. RICHARDSON ASSISTANT DIRECTOR CLYDE H. BURROUGHS SECRETARY July 19, 1939 Mr. Germain Seligmann Mr. Robert M. Levy Jacques Seligmann 3 East 51st Street New York City, N.Y. Gentlemen: The Reference Library of the Detroit Institute of Arts is making every effort to develop a collection of material to be used for art research. To do this fully and successfully, we believe that we should include all available catalogs of contemporary exhibitions. With this in mind we are writing to a number of art dealers in this country and abroad asking if they will regularly send to this library all catalogs and notices of exhibitions held by their firms. Many dealers already have us on their mailing lists but we have at present no way to check complete service. We hope that you will be able to cooperate with us in this respect and should be pleased to hear from you so that we may know if we can count on you in putting this service into operation. All material should be addressed in the form given below. Very truly your, Agnes Savage per M.J. Agnes Savage, Librarian. Address material to: Miss Agnes Savage, Reference Library, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 14:22:39
Reopened for Editing 2023-10-24 19:17:54 .