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RML:R June 10th, 1938 Dear Jack: I hate to bother you again about something that really is a nuisance, but I am wondering if you ever got my letter of May 19th, regarding two drawings and water colors by La Fresnaye that have been sold in Detroit this past season. The reason I am anxious to find out about them is that we are holding a series of four related exhibitions next fall as follows:- BRAQUE Oct. 17th to Nov. 4th PICASSO Nov. 7th to 25th JUAN GRIS Nov. 21st to Dec. 10th LA FRESNAYE Dec. 5th to 24th. As you yourself know only too well, the number of La Fresnayes in America is practically negligible so that we would be very interested to include any good examples that happen to be in this country. Therefore, I should like, if possible, to find out about this as soon as possible as I am starting to work on the catalogue now which will be one volume comprising the four separate exhibitions and reproducing everything. Are you sailing shortly, and if so let's have lunch or dinner when you come to town. With all good wishes and renewed apologies for troubling you about the above, As ever - Yours, (Robert M. Levy) John S. Newberry, Esq. Detroit Institute of Arts Detroit,kMichigan GS
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