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RML:R May 19th, 1938 Dear Jack: Another line about a totally different matter. We are planning to have a group of four exhibitions to be contingent on each other and held in rapid succession this coming fall. These exhibitions will be spread out over a period of two months and will comprise Braque, Picasso, Juan Gris and la Fresnaye. In connection with this last exhibition, we will be the first, as you know, to really launch this artist properly in this country. There are, as you know, pitifully few works by him in this country. In this connection, I heard that two drawings or gouaches by la Fresnaye were sold in Detroit this season, and I am wondering if you have any idea to whom. If so, and if it does not in any way betray a secret or a confidence, I should deeply appreciate this information so that we could write to ask for the inclusion of these two works in our exhibition. With many thanks in advance for any help you can give me in this matter, As ever - Yours, (Robert M. Levy) John S. Newberry, Esq. Detroit Insitute of Arts Detroit, Michigan GS
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 16:10:36