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April 19th, 1938 Dear Mr. Newberry: Mr. Robert Levy just tells me that he has received a letter from you asking for some information concerning the beautiful drawing by Guys which we shipped to you in Detroit a fortnight ago and in which I understand you might be interested. This drawing is part of a small group of drawings which I was able to find in Europe during my last stay there and which I brought back last month. I found it extremely difficult to obtain fine drawings and it was very gratifying to be able to secure such a remarkable example of Guys. The drawing belonged to the d'Orléans family who acquired it on account of the fact that it was a portrait of the Empress. Upon leaving this family collection, it went into the hands of the great collector Isaac de Camondo whose collection is, as you know, in the Louvre. It is there that you would have seen the drawing had it not been for the fact that a great friend of deCamondo who had acquired some outstanding water colors by Jongkind, was very eager to possess this work by Constantin Guys, and as de Camondo was just as anxious to get some of the Jongkinds, they made an exchange. You will certainly remember these works in the Louvre. t.s.v.p. GS
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 16:20:24