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March 17th., 1937.


Dear Dr. Valentiner:

In answer to your good lines of March 16th., for which I thank you, I am sending you herein, the photos of the Roger VAN DER WEYDEN portrait and the KORBECK "Presentation in the Temple".

Roger VAN DER WYDEN "Portrait of a Man"
Dimensions: 14-1/8" x 10-5/8"
Burger "Roger van der Weyden" (1923) Page 70, and reproduced P1. 48A.
Friedlander "Roger van der Weyden" (1924) Vol.II, Page 41 and Page 102, No. 33.

Johann KORBECK "Presentation in the Temple"
Dimensions: 35-1/2" by 24-1/2"
Collections: Part of the altarpiece of the Abbey of Marienfeld.
Rev. John Fuller Russell
Henry Wagner, London.
Bibliography: Charles L. Kuhn "A Catalogue of German paintings in American Collections" (1936) Page 32, No. 64, and reproduced P1. XIV, No. 64.

This is one wing of the set, of which the "Annunciation" is in the Chicago Art Institute (Ryerson Collection).

The painting by Korbeck is in an astounding state of preservation, with the most brilliant colors. The Roger van der Weyden has unfortunately suffered from the years, but I am convinced that a careful cleaning and restoration would bring back a great deal of its original condition.

The prices I can quote on these two paintings, and which include a selling commission to us, are respectively, the Korbeck, $43,000., and the Roger VAN DER WEYDEN $35,000.  These two prices could be very slightly shaved down.
