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New York 22, N.Y. February 14, 1963 Dear Mr. Grigaut, How unfortunate indeed it is that we should be missing each other by just a day or two. But I hope we will make up for this after March 15th. You are asking me whether I know of some good examples of palissy ware. This sounds almost like a ghost to me, for, strange as it may seem, I haven's [[haven't]] seen or heard of any in years and am really wondering who has some. My first suggestion would be - specialists in French faience in Paris, but this is as far as my imagination leads me. On the other hand, concerning French Decorative Arts of the XVIth century, I do own one of the most important painted Limoges plaques à paillons, the like of which is not to be found either in the Frick Collection or at the Metropolitan, in view of its quality, size and subject. In fact, I showed it to Mr. Lawrence Fleischman when he came in with Mr. Richardson, and though I am unwilling to make a statement, I believe they were much impressed with it. Then, I also have a life-size statue which most certainly came from the Chateau d'Anet, where it might well have been used as part of the decoration. It is difficult to describe, but I would enjoy showing it to you. With cordial greetings, Sincerely yours, Germain Seligman Mr. Paul L. Grigaut Chief Curator The Detroit Institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Avenue Detroit 2, Michigan TP