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5 East 57th Street New York 22, N. Y. September 29, 1960 Dear Mr. Grigaut: After having made all my arrangements to call on you and Mr. Richardson on Monday, October 3rd, I find now to my great distress that I shall not be able to do so. Circumstances make it necessary for me to be in New York Monday morning when I had intended to fly to Detroit. I am truly disappointed at having snow to postpone my visit with you to which I was so much looking forward. Were I to find it possible to return to New York via your city on Wednesday 5th, I would call you up from Chicago - but I prefer not to try to make definite new plans before being more certain of my schedule. With renewed regrets, and asking you to kindly remember me to Mr. Richardson, and with personal greetings, Sincerely yours, Germain Seligman Mr. Paul L. Grigaut Assistant Director The Detroit Institute of Arts Detroit 2, Michigan