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5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N. Y.

September 21, 1960

Dear Mr. Grigaut:

It was pleasant to speak to you long distance yesterday and I shall be delighted to see you and Mr. Richardson on October 3rd. If I suggested this seemingly arbitrary date it is because from your city I intend going to Chicago to attend the opening of the Corot Exhibition.

You told me, on the other hand, of your intention of dropping in to see me next week when you will be in New York. Should you be able to do so, I would appreciate your giving me a ring so that I will be certain not to miss you, and may I ask you to allow yourself ample time as, in fact, there are quite a number of paintings and sculpture I should like to have the opportunity of showing you. My Galleries are open by 9:30 A.M. and you could reach me there (PLaza 3-0250) at that time.

Kindly remember me to Mr. Richardson,
and looking forward to seeing you in the near future,


Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Paul L. Grigaut,
Assistant Director
The Detroit Institute of arts
5200 Woodward Avenue
Detroit 2, Michigan