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CLASS OF SERVICE This is a fast message unless its deferred character is indicated by the proper symbol. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM W.P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT This filing time shown in the date line on domestic telegrams is STANDARD TIME at the point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at the point of destination 1201 SYMBOLS DL=Day Letter NL=Night Letter LT=International Letter Telegram 15 1959 JAN 3 AM 11 16 .NA119 PD=DETROIT MICH 3 1058AME= :GERMAIN SELIGMAN= :5 EAST 57 ST= :SORRY SUDAY JANUARY 4 IS LAST DAY OF EXHIBITION DISAPPOINTED YOU CANNOT SEE IT= ;E P RICHARDSON= THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE