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January 5, 1959 Dear Mr. Richardson: These are just a few lines to first thank you for your so very prompt answer to my inquiry and also to tell you how very disappointed indeed I am not to have been able to see exhibition of Italian Renaissance. It was very much on my mind, having enjoyed studying the superb catalogue you published on that occasion and also hearing Mr. John Pope-Hennessy's laudatory comments. December had been an extremely busy month for me, and I had made up my mind to go to Detroit at the beginning of this month having remembered a later closing date for some unknown reason. You can gauge how distressed I felt when, checking anew your catalogue, I suddenly realized it was all too late. It would also have given me much pleasure to see you again. With personal regards, Sincerely yours, Germain Seligman Mr. E.P. Richardson The Art Quarterly The Detroit Institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Avenue Detroit 2, Michigan