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The ART Quarterly Edited by W. R. VALENTINER and E. P. RICHARDSON Associate Editor PAUL L. GRIGAUT [[left margin]] CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ALFRED H. BARR, JR. Museum of Modern Art GERARD BRETT Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology WALTER HEIL M. H. DeYoung Memorial Museum HENRY-RUSSELL HITCHCOCK Smith College Museum of Art A. HYATT MAYOR The Metropolitan Museum of Art ULRICH MIDDELDORF Kunsthistorisches Institute, Florence WILLIAM M. MILLIKEN The Cleveland Museum of Art CHARLES F. MONTGOMERY The Henry Francis DuPont Winterthur Museum DUNCAN PHILLIPS The Phillips Gallery JAKOB ROSENBERG Fogg Art Museum MARVIN C. ROSS Washington, D.C. HENRY PRESTON ROSSITER Museum of Fine Arts, Boston BENJAMIN ROWLAND, JR. Fogg Art Museum CARL O. SCHNIEWIND The Art Institute of Chicago CHARLES COLEMAN SELLERS Dickinson College LAURENCE SICKMAN William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art THEODORE SIZER Yale University WOLFGANG STECHOW Oberlin College JOHN STEEGMAN The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts RUDOLF WITTKOWER Columbia University OTTO WITTMANN, JR. The Toledo Museum of Art [[/left margin]] October 10, 1958 Mr. Germain Seligman 5 East 57th Street New York City dear Mr. Seligman: Thanks for your kind letter. I am glad that we could publish your article on the portraits of Chantilly and that the way in which the article came out pleased you. You were kind to suggest a memorial to Dr. Valentiner. It is curious that the same idea had occurred to me and I had discussed it with Mr. Grigaut the day before your letter came. Some kind of mental telepathy perhaps. Dr. Valentiner was a man of the largest calibre and left behind him a monumental achievement here for the city of Detroit. Everyone who knew him at all well feels a sense of personal loss at his death. The exhibition that Paul Grigaut has assembled will really be most remarkable. I do hope that you may have an opportunity to see it, for I think it would be well worth a trip here from New York. If you do come, I shall look forward with pleasure to seeing you and Mrs. Seligman in our museum. Sincerely yours, [[signature]] E. P. Richardson Editorial Office: The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit 2, Michigan Advertising Representative: Peter Magill, 432 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, N. Y.