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The ART Quarterly Edited by W. R. VALENTINER and E. P. RICHARDSON Associate Editor PAUL L. GRIGAUT [[left margin]] CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE: ALFRED H. BARR, JR. Museum of Modern Art GERARD BRETT Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology WALTER HEIL M. H. DeYoung Memorial Museum HENRY-RUSSELL HITCHCOCK Smith College Museum of Art A. HYATT MAYOR The Metropolitan Museum of Art ULRICH MIDDELDORF Kunsthistorisches Institute, Florence WILLIAM M. MILLIKEN The Cleveland Museum of Art CHARLES F. MONTGOMERY The Henry Francis DuPont Winterthur Museum DUNCAN PHILLIPS The Phillips Gallery JAKOB ROSENBERG Fogg Art Museum MARVIN C. ROSS Washington, D.C. HENRY PRESTON ROSSITER Museum of Fine Arts, Boston BENJAMIN ROWLAND, JR. Fogg Art Museum CARL O. SCHNIEWIND The Art Institute of Chicago CHARLES COLEMAN SELLERS Dickinson College LAURENCE SICKMAN William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art THEODORE SIZER Yale University WOLFGANG STECHOW Oberlin College JOHN STEEGMAN The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts RUDOLF WITTKOWER Columbia University OTTO WITTMANN, JR. The Toledo Museum of Art [[/left margin]] September 12, 1958 Mrs. J. Wolpert Secretary to Mr. Seligman 5 East 57th Street New York 22 Dear Mrs. Wolpert: In reply to your letter enquiring about the reprints for Mr. Seligman's article on "The Myth of the Fragonard Portraits at Chantilly", these have just come in and will be forwarded to Mr. Seligman sometime in the next week. Sincerely yours, [[signature]] Marion B. Owen Secretary Editorial Office: The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit 2, Michigan Advertising Representative: Peter Magill, 432 Fourth Avenue, New York 16, N. Y.
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Reopened for Editing 2023-11-20 18:35:46