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February 26, 1957

Dear Mr. Richardson:

As Mr. Seligman has just left for three weeks in the Virgin Islands, I have opened a letter to him from Prince de Broglie of the Musée Condé.

Mr. Seligman had been expecting the above and had asked me to communicate with you as soon as it would arrive. Prince de Broglie writes that he is very very sorry that the limited funds of his museum do not permit him to buy additional copies of the "Art Quarterly", though the article would be immensely interesting for his records.

Mr. Seligman will of course write you himself upon his return after the middle of March.

With best wishes,

Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. T.D. Parker

Mr. Edgar P. Richardson
The Detroit Institute of Arts
5200 Woodward Avenue
Detroit 2, Michigan

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-21 10:58:34