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March 10th, 1956

Dear Mr. Grigaut:

Answering your letter of March 8th, I am sending you herein photographs of the gold enamel snuff box as well as of the clock with their respective descriptions, in the hope that one or both may be of interest to you. 

You are perfectly correct in assuming that the pistol is Spanish. It was by error that I mentioned it not having noticed that your show was limited to French works, and thus this work of art does not fit within the scope of your exhibition. However, for your personal enjoyment I am sending you a photograph of this lovely and unusual piece which I would be obliged to you for returning it after you have had an opportunity of examining it.

With personal regards, 
Sincerely yours,
Germain Seligman 

Mr. Paul L. Grigaut,
The Detroit Institute of Arts 
Detroit 2, Michigan 


Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-21 11:24:45