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September 8th, 1954

Dear Dr. Grigaut:

Following our July correspondence I have just instructed our packer to prepare the Vuillard painting "La Mansarde" for shipment to you.

As it will be shipped by Air Express it should reach you at the end of this week.

You will recall my writing you on July 6th that we will keep it covered by our own insurance policy but we will make the shipment "Prepaid" and in the course of the time will bill you for such expenses.

Wishing you every success with the exhibition,

Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. T.D. Parker.

P.S. Mr. Seligman was detained in Europe but is expected back on September 14th.

Dr. Paul L. Griguat,
The Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit 2,

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-21 12:54:00