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April 9th., 1958.

Dear Dr. Bob:

How wonderful of you! A painting, and from Africa, chosen by you and exhibited at your museum.....its all too good to be true, and I'm enjoying every moment of this anticipation. The framing will be no problem, as our framer will come up with a variety of samples from which I can choose.

Of course I've just seen the April issue of ARTS. Congratulations. Twelve reproductions is almost a record for them I guess, and quite a compliment to your museum, and therefore to you. I even read the text - something I seldom do.

I hope Easter in Greenville was more springlike than mine, spent at the farm. The snow there is still from 14" to 4' deep and the ground still frozen. However Easter is Easter regardless of weather, so I know those birds which are probably stalling around Greenville right now, will eventually turn up here.

Thank you again and again for thinking of me in such a nice way.


Mrs. Theresa D. Parker.

Dr. Bob Jones, Jr.,
Bob Jones University
Greenville, South Carolina.
