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Executive Offices Bob Jones University
Greenville South Carolina
March 29, 1958 

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Co.,  Inc.
5 East 57th Street 
New York 22, New York 

Dear Friend: 
How thoughtful of you to write me--I got back to the campus after a hectic trip home from South Africa. I did not get to Australia as originally planned, as my plane was delayed three days in Johannesburg; so I gave up that portion of the trip and flew back via the Atlantic. 

When I was in French Equatorial Africa, I was very much impressed with some of the paintings by some of the native boys. They are quite different and refereshing; in fact, sophisticated in a primitive fashion. I got one that I thought you would especially like, and I will send it to you in a couple of weeks--it is presently on exhibition in our art gallery. 

Since I do not know exactly how you want it framed, I am not undertaking to have that done. I have had it dry mounted, however, with a wide margin to take care of any type of frame you might want to put on it. I hope you will like it. Kind regards and thank you for your good wishes. 

Sincerely yours,

Bob Jones Jr. 



Transcription Notes:
I am having trouble deciphering what is in pencil on the bottom left.