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Executive Offices
BOB JONES University
January 16,1958

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann and Company, Inc. 
5 East 57th Street
New York, New York

My dear Friend:
The copy of your letter to Jerry Bywaters is on my desk this morning. We are glad to have you mention this, though we hesitate to ship the Crucifix because the combination of age and weight makes it somewhat fragile for a long trip. We are awfully proud of it and would be greatly tempted to lend it. We always like to be co-operative. 

I think I mentioned to you that we have received four early works from the Lehman collection as a gift. They were all very nice--a beautiful Bicci di Lorenzo, an exquisite and jewel-like Niccolo di Pietro, an Andrea di Bartolo (not in perfect condition, but who would be at that age?). The most magnificent of all however, is a very fine "Dead Christ with Angels" by Bartolomeo Vivarini. It is listed in Berenson's new edition of the "Italian Pictures of the Renaissance, Venetian School." 

Since you were here, we have also acquired a very fine magnificent fully recorded Veronese (also in Berenson) and quite a few new baroque things; so you will have to come to see us again. 

I understand the visa for South Africa has finally come through, and the passport is being returned to me. So the Lord willing I will be off to South America en route to South Africa four weeks from last Tuesday. Kindest personal regards. 

Sincerely yours, 
