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The film has been inspected and will again be inspected upon its return to UNUSUAL FILMS. The user will be charged 20 cents per foot for the replacement of the complete scene in which any damage, such as torn sprocket holes, severe scratches, etc., has occurred. Please report any damage.

The long-term lease agreement is for a period of five years. At the end of that time, the film is returned to UNUSUAL FILMS for inspection. If it is still in good condition, the lease is renewed for another five years and the film is returned to the customer at no extra cost. However, if the film needs some repair or reconditioning, this is done with customer's approval at a nominal fee and the film is returned for five more years. This procedure is followed throughout the life of the print. Leases are not transferable.

Rental or long lease of films does not include television or theatrical rights. Television showings may be obtained by written arrangements with UNUSUAL FILMS.

All films must be returned immediately after last scheduled showing. Consult us by telegraph or telephone if you wish to hold the films for a longer period. Do not disappoint the next user. Films must be returned in the containers supplied with them. All films listed are 16mm sound films and cannot be shown on silent projectors. The 16mm sound motion-picture projector, screen, and operator are provided by the customer.  

UNUSUAL FILMS offers degrees in Cinema to students wishing to receive professional training in all phases of professional training in all phases of motion-picture production or television. Probably no secular university has such a well-equipped department of film production, and no other Christian school offers its students the privilege of participating in such a ministry of securing such training. Because of the strong Christian emphasis and the conscientious approach to the work on the part of young people who feel a definite call of God to this field of service, because of the motion-picture equipment and facilities, because of all the fine arts being given without additional tuition, because of the teacher-training background of the Cinema staff coupled with the knowledge of motion pictures, and because of the practical experience given students, Bob Jones University is better prepared than any other university to train Christian young people who are seriously interested in Cinema. 

This modern, excellent equipped, motion-picture studio centers on a gigantic, fiberglas-insulated, air-conditioned sound stage complete with cranes and multidirectional dollies, cameras (Mitchell, Maurer, and Bell and Howell), microphone perambulators, catwalks, and Mole-Richardson arc and incandescent lights. Conveniently located near the sound stage are professionally appointed studios for make-up and hair styling; film editing and cutting; Stancil-Hoffman sound recording, re-recording, and scoring; set and costume designing; screen drafting and construction; and film distribution; as well as elaborate wardrobe studios and facilities for all types of projection equipment, including Holmes and Eastman 25 arc projectors.