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Bob Jones University
Greenville South Carolina
January 11, 1957

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Company, Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mrs. Parker:

As you know, Dr. Jones is away, but when he called long distance yesterday, I had an opportunity to mention your letter to him. He appreciated your writing him, and I told him what you said about Dr. Frankfurter-- although Dr. Jones doesn't know him, he said that if everyone feels that way about him, he doesn't see how he keeps the position he has. At any rate, Dr. Jones asked me to thank you for contacting the ARTS and the ART QUARTERLY. 

I note on your "Mr." on O. Porges' name, and we are glad to get this straightened out. We have also had his letter and are glad to note that he has corrected the dates of the payments. 

Dr. Jones mentioned again on the phone how much he appreciated your nice letter about his novel-- it meant a great deal to him, and he sends along his greetings to you. 

Sincerely yours, 
Pauline Bupp
P.S. Your letter of January 9 has just come. Dr. Jones will be glad to have this word, and I will be sure to tell him about it when he calls long distance today.