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January 7th., 1957.

Dear Dr. Jones:

Ah yes, the Art News! To give a direct answer, we have no influence whastoever with the good Dr. Frankfurter, and aside from little one or two inch "ads" for contemporary American artists, it is several years since we have contributed to its support. True, at the time of the Raleigh opening we had a full page, but that was at the specific request of Mr. Hamilton, whose oratory won Mr. Seligman over for some benefit to the new museum. Otherwise we are adopting the policy that it does not exist, even to having discontinued our subscription.

Unfortunately, as you and I know, all art publications are not perhaps as sincere and unbiased as the uninitiated might believe. We also know the way of gaining favor, but is it worth participating in such shenanigans so that those who do "play ball" can read about one another?

Our relationship with the ARTS (formerly Art News) being a happier one, I have today given them a photograph of the Vannuccio "Crucifix" and shall post you as to the outcome.

Furthermore it is our expectation that a very scholarly publication THE ART QUARTERLY, edited by Dr. Valentiner and Mr. E. P. Richardson of the Detroit Museum would truly be interested in this purchase by you, and accordingly Mr. Seligman will send a photograph with a personal note to them before the week is out.

Thanks to your letter I can almost literally see the painting in your museum, and hope sometime to renew my acquaintance with it in its new home.

Meanwhile you will have heard from Mr. Porjes as to the matter under his control.

As I say, I shall be in touch with you again before very long.


Dr. Bob Jones, Jr.,
Bob Jones University,
Greenville, South Carolina. Mrs. Theresa D. Parker.