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Executive Offices 
BOB JONES University

January 3, 1957
Dictated January 2

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mrs. Parker:

We have just sent the enclosed to Miss (?) O. Porjes. I am sure she would refer it to you, but I wanted you to see this copy especially to note the correction in the time of payment--that will not make a January payment but a December payment. You will note in my letter of December 24 in which I made the offer on the picture, I said:

We will send you a check for $3,000 January 1 (or we can date it December 30 if you would prefer to have it on this year's books). Beginning with February, we will send you a check for $1,000 the first of each month during 1957 except during the months of July and August. This will make a total of $12,000.

I am sure this was just an oversight on the part of the bookkeeper.

We are hanging the picture in the entrance foyer in the niche where the Flemish triptych was displayed. It is exactly the right size, and the crucifix is fine enough that it should be displayed pretty well on a wall by itself. Later we may try it somewhere else, but we all felt (Mr. Havens, the photographer, and I) that this was the place where it showed up to best advantage.

I have one favor I would like to ask of you. Confidentially: Do you have any influence with Frankfurter of the ART NEWS? He has always snubbed us, and some of the New York dealers have described him as a very unpleasant and unpopular person. The criticisms and reviews in his magazine have done nothing particularly to cause me to doubt their estimate of the man.