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BOB JONES University

December 20, 1956

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Company, Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mrs. Parker:

We were so happy you were able to take time out of a busy schedule to come down to see us.  We enjoyed having you on our campus, and it was a real pleasure to show your our gallery.  I am so grateful for the gift of the drawing, and I am delighted to have it.

I appreciate your letter and all the nice things you say about the University and the University family and will be glad to pass along to Mr. Havens your thanks.  I am asking the secretary to send you under separate cover a copy of my novel, WINE OF MORNING, which was written several years ago.  UNUSUAL FILMS produced a full-length, color picture several years ago based on this book.  Sometime I hope you will have the opportunity of seeing the film.

I hope you have a happy Christmas and the best New Year you have ever known.

Sincerely yours,
Bob Jones Jr
