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November 6th., 1956.

Dear Dr. Jones:

It is this very week that I was counting on visiting you in Greenville but once again fate has intervened! Mr. Seligman was taken ill on his recent trip to Europe and feels he has not sufficiently recovered to let me leave the gallery just now.

However, as Mr. Richard Howard, Director of the Birmingham Museum, and his wife - with whom I had planned to drive down - will be dropping in to see you and the wonderful new museum, they have volunteered to tell you of my great disappointment.

I am also taking advantage of their willingness to turn over to you the enclosed documentation on the Vannuccio "Crucifix", which Mr. Howard has just seen again here.

In a way this painting is still reserved for the museum about which I have written your previously, but they have agreed to release it temporarily. However, should we not have sold it elsewhere prior to January 1st., we have promised to again reserve it for their decision.

Since you saw this painting in 1955 the price has been considerably augmented, but we would of course abide by the figure quoted you of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.) were you to consider acquiring it.

Of course I am still looking forward to my own visit to Greenville - soon, I hope - but thus far there has been this series of regrettable circumstances.

With my very best wishes,


Dr. Bob Jones, Jr.
Bob Jones University,
Greenville, South Carolina. 
                Mrs. Theresa D. Parker