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Executive Offices
BOB JONES University
September 1, 1956

Mrs. T. D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mrs. Parker:

Next week our new galleries will be open to the public.  We are not having any special opening ceremonies, but I wanted to write you this personal letter of invitation telling you about the new galleries and inviting you to come to see them soon.

I think you will agree with me that they are really magnificent.  There are two splendid wood-paneled Gothic rooms.  The French Gothic room comes from the Collection of Count Economos, Greek ambassador to Paris; and here we will be hanging the Spanish and Italian Primitives.  The Northern Gothic room has a lovely set of Stained-glass windows (French c. 1520) and forms a most appropriate background for the Flemish, Dutch, and German paintings of the XV and XVI centuries.

There is a lovely octagonal Renaissance room with a domed ceiling.  All the pictures here are tondi--it is quite a unique arrangement.  In the foyer is French Renaissance carved paneling from the time of Henri II.

We, of course, have a large High Renaissance room and a great baroque gallery, which is dominated by an 8-foot rose marble fireplace from Verona c. 1500.  There is also a small baroque gallery.

Our gallery is not a large one because our collection is relatively small.  There is, however, no gallery anywhere that is more attractive or better lighted.  The unique system, which one of our own men, Bob Craig, worked out for us, gives us "glare-free" even lighting on all walls.  In one of the Gothic rooms and the tondo room, the lighting is entirely by spots which pinpoint the pictures.  Anyway, it is something to see--we hope you will visit us.

Sincerely yours,
Bob Jones Jr.
