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BOB JONES University

May 3, 1956

Mrs. T. D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Company, Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York

Dear Mrs. Parker:

Since Dr. Jones, Jr., is away from University, I am acknowledging your letter of April 30.  However, when Dr. Jones called long distance today, I had an opportunity to mention your letter to him.  He said that if he had an opportunity tomorrow, he would stop by to see you, as he will be in New York just for the day.  However, if he doesn't have time during this visit, he asked me to assure you that he will do his best the next time he is in the city to stop in to see you.  Dr. Jones appreciated your letter, and sends along his greetings to you.

Sincerely yours,
Pauline Rupp
