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October 20, 1952

Dear Mr. Jones:

A week or so ago it was our great pleasure to have Mr. Richard Foster Howard, Director of the Birmingham Museum, at our galleries. We showed his many paintings of all schools, as he is gathering material for an Exhibition which will be held shortly in Alabama.

Among these works was a Crucifix by Vannuccio, in which Mr. Howard took a very scholarly interest because of the early date of this monumental syombal of Christianity, carried out circa 1370. Mr. Howard inquired whether you had by any chance seen this impressive Cross and told us of the unique collection of early religious paintings you are assembling.

As we have never had the pleasure of welcoming you here I am sending you the enclosed photograph of the Crucifix, with a few descriptive notes and indicating the price we are asking for it namely, Fifteen Thousand Dollars.

You will notice that although this dramatic work by the celebrated Sienese artist, Francesco di Vennuccio, was carried out approximately one hundred years before the Grünewald Altar, the Holy personages here are nevertheless already depicted with the expressions of profound grief, dismay and agony associated with the late master.

Should you be coming to New York we would welcome the opportunity to show you this outstanding milestone in the history of art.

Yours very sincerely,

(Mrs. T. D. Parker)

Mr. Bob jones,
Bob Jones University,
Greenville, South Carolina.