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New York 22,New York

November 1, 1966

Dear Mr. Pope-Hennessy:

You will not mind, I hope, if I inquire whether you received my letter of September 13th referring to the marble bust ascribed to Vittoria we talked about last Spring?

Furthermore, without wishing to seem inquisitive, I would appreciate hearing whether you have given up all interest in this sculpture. I did not go to Europe this Autumn as I had originally contemplated but, as I wrote, were you to go to Munich, I consider that I should post Mr. Heilbronner accordingly. I found his attitude most correct and I would not want him to think that in turn I am being remiss.

I feel certain that you will understand my writing in this vein and trusting I may have the pleasure of seeing you over here during this season.

With best regards,
Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

J.W. Pope-Hennessy, Esq.
Department of Architecture and Sculpture
Victoria and Albert Museum
South Kensington
London S.W. 7
P.S. I have no assurance, of course, that the marble is still available.