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December 7, 1972

Dear Mr. Radcliffe;

As promised I take pleasure in enclosing herein a photograph of the small bronze head of Venus we corresponded about.

It is far from satisfactory but as the sculpture is well known to you, you will be [[good guess?]] able to overcome its deficiencies.
May I take advantage of this opportunity to express my renewed appreciation of the interest you took in this small but charming head.

Rumors of the Christie's auction have just reached me, and if the prices I have been quoted are correct I am happy to learn that the exceptional quality of the great Aeolpile bronze had thus been recognized.

But on the other hand I am quite disappointed by the price reached by the TULIO marble relief, which has been right along a dear favorite of mine. I was truly expecting a greater competition and thus a higher price in view of its exquisite quality and the scarcity of such marbles.

With best greetings,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Anthony F. Radcliffe, Esq.
Assistant to the Director
Victoria & Albert Museum
South Kensington
London S.W.7, ENGLAND