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WELbeck {0687, 0988


16th January, 1967.

Dear Mr. Seligman, 
We have recently had a letter from Mr. Walter H. Weinstein, who you may possibly know, enclosing a photograph of a tapestry which he possesses, and which is said to have come from the Murray Scott Collection at Bagatelle. I am sending you a photocopy of his very
battered photograph which will give you some idea of the composition. He says it has been in his family for about fifty years.

If the provenance is correct, I am wondering whether this is not the Toilette de Flore, mentioned on p. 268 of your book as one of a set of three 18th century Gobelins panels of unknown whereabouts, but presumably identifiable with the Suite de trois tapisseries des
Goblines du XVIIIe siècle à sujets mythologiques, prisés cent mille francs on page 34 of the Rue Laffitte Inventory.

I would be most interested to hear what you think and I do not think we need pay much attention to the Louis XIV-Montespan question.

Yours sincerely,
R A Cecil
Assistant to the Director

Mr. Germain Seligman,
5 East 57th Street,
New York 22.