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New York 22, New York

March 24, 1959 

Dear Mr. Watson: 

It was pleasant indeed to receive your note of March 16th, and I am much looking forward to seeing you at the beginning of May when, as you write, you will be in New York from the first to the tenth. 

However, as this might be pretty close to the date at which I shall have to leave for Europe, may I ask you to be so good as to give me a ring as early as possible after your arrival. (My office telephone is PLaza 3-0250.) 

On the other hand, were I to know where to reach you, I would gladly call you in order to avoid burdening you with calling me. 

With personal regards, 
Sincerely Yours, 

Germain Seligman 
Francis Watson, Esq. 
The Wallace Collection 
Manchester Square 
London W 1 