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part of Sir Richard Wallace's collection was at that moment on exhibition at the Bethnal Green Museum, and finally came here.

It is not correct to call Lady Sackville Lady Victoria Sackville. Before she married Lord Sackville she was Miss Victoria Sackville-West; her daughter, the author of Pepita, is now Lady Nicolson. Have your read the Journal of Mr. Thomas Raikes (2 vols., Longman 1858), who was Lord Hertford's companion on many expeditions abroad, and who describes his purchasing of Bagatelle in 1835? The memoirs are quite entertaining.

With regard to the Gimpel Boucher, I have not seen the picture now for some time, but when Gimpel brothers put it on exhibition in 1947 I had ample opportunity of examining it, and indeed they allowed us to have it here to compare with what I am fairly certain is its pendant, No. 491 of this Collection. It struck me then as being of particularly fine quality, and I remember having no qualms about attributing it to Boucher himself. It was, as you know, sold at Sotheby's last year. There is, however, a second version of the subject which belongs to Mr. W. S. Terry of Park Valley, Detling, Kent, and was brought here in 1933 and shown to my predecessor, Mr. W. Gibson. The latter made a note that it was a fine example of Boucher's work, but somewhat damaged and with bad and yellow varnish. At the time when I was working on these two pictures I wrote to Mr. Terry who very kindly sent me a photograph of his picture, which does not seem to be of the same quality as the Gimpel picture. The pedigree of the latter I was able to check with the help of Messrs Knoedler, who sold the picture to Mr. Timken in 1924. Gimpel bought it from the latter, but Knoedler apparently bought it from your father on 12th June 1914. They would presumably be prepared to confirm this point. As I stated in my article, I consider it likely that No. 491 here and the Gimpel painting are the two pictures engraved by Baullé in 1756 and dedicated to Madame de 
/ Pompadour.