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New York 22, N.Y.
April 16, 1952

Dear Mr. Cecil:

Your good lines of February 26, reached me while I was abroad on a short visit, hence my not having answered you earlier.

Let me assure you that as soon as I will have a little more free time probably in the course of the summer, I shall put in order some of the further data I gathered on the Wallace Bagatelle collection, and will be only too happy to communicate it to you.

The only request I will make in this connection will be to ask you not to publish it until the books I am working on and in which I intend to include as close an inventory as I will have been able to reestablish, will be published.

Though I am unable of course to give an exact date for this I should reasonably assume that it would before the end of next year.

May I add that I feel certain you will not object to this.

I expect to be able to be in London for a few days in the latter part of May and hope to have then the pleasure of seeing you again.

Meanwhile, with personal regards,
Sincerely yours,
(Germain Seligman)

Robert A. Cecil, Esq.
The Wallace Collection
Manchester Square
London W.1