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WELbeck 0687



6th October, 1950.

Dear Monsieur Seligman,

Thank you very much indeed for your letter of 27th September, which has only just reached me. I am most touched by your kind remarks about my article, and once again would like ot thank you and your brother for giving me so much help while getting the material together.

I went abroad for a fortnight about the middle of July, but unfortunately can find no trace of a letter from you during that period. Is it possible that this has gone astray? I should be delighted to send you photographs of the pictures by Philippe de Champaigne in this Collection, and will see that these are despatched to you in the course of the next few days. There are, as you know, three pictures by de Champaigne here of sacred subjects and one fragment from a portrait group of the Echevina of Paris.

I have reason to believe that M. Jacques Wilhelm, Director of the Musée Carnavalet, is working on these group portraits by de Champaigne, and I am sure it would be worth while your getting in touch with him. I expect your bother knows him quite well.
Your publishers will presumably get in touch with us when the question of reproducing these photographs arrives, and I look forward to reading what you will have to say.

With kind regards, and once again many thanks,
I am,
Yours sincerely,
Robert A Cecil

M. Germain Seligman,
Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc.,
5 East 57th Street,
New York, 22 U.S.A.