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Manchester Square
London, W.1

6th April 1950

My dear Monsieur Seligmann, 
Thank you very much indeed for your letter of the 3rd April and the information it contains. I am every interested to now that the Houdon bust of Cagliostra is still in your brother's possession, and I trust he will have no objection if I reproduce this as an illustration to my article in The Burlington Magazine. As I told you, this can easily be done from the photograph in Giacometti's book. Please let me know if you would like me to write to him personally.  I do not yet know if I shall have room to reproduce the Tocqué portrait of the Duc de Chartres, but presumably the same would apply to this. 

With renewed thanks,

I am,
Yours very sincerely, 
signed : Robert A. Cecil
Assistant to the Director

Monsieur Jacques Seligmann
23 Place Vendôme