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September 12, 1951

Dear William:

Upon my return to town a few days ago I found the statement you had been so good as to write on the Giovanni da Bologna "Cupid", and do accept my very best thanks.

Indeed it is perfect and I am much obligated to you for your kindness.

I truly think it is sufficient and as long as you write that the amount I sent you previously satisfies you I shall do no more, lest I might embarrass you. I hope therefore that it is not an excess of modesty that prompted you to write in this vein.

Unexpectedly I have to go anew to Europe and am leaving at the end of this week, but for a couple weeks.

I am just writing you in case you should be coming to New York, as I [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] would be greatly disappointed to miss you here, and do hope I shall see you later this autumn on your visit East.

Meanwhile, with best wishes and renewed thanks,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Dr. W.R. Valentiner
Los Angeles County Museum
Exposition Park
Los Angeles 