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November 17, 1950


A most interesting problem of authorship of a Spanish portrait (photograph herein enclosed) of high merit which I acquired recently causes me to write to you.

Namely leading scholars in this country such as Mr. W.G. Constable of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and Dr. W.E. Suida among others do not agree as to the authorship, though they all recognize the very high quality of this painting, and mentioned some of the leading artists of the 17th century in connection with it. 

I would be ever so much obliged to you if you could aware me the fruit of your knowledge and experience in such a field.

May I say, and I trust you will not miscontrue the following comment, that it is customary on our business to compensate such research, and I would be only too happy to send you a check for such an undertaking.

Your time is so very valuable and the expenses connected with this work and the building uo of libraries allowing this research is such that I could only fine a remuneration for your time and service ,ore than justified. 

May I express the hope that I shall hear from you and that you will take my request into consideration, and thanking you in advance,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Monsiery Francisco Sanchez Canton
Museo del Prado