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May 2, 1953

Dear Dick:

It was very pleasant to hear your voice over the telephone yesterday and in answer to your question, let me say that I will be glad to quote you a very special price of $3,800.00 (thirty-eight hundred dollars) for the Gericault water color "Bataille de Maipu" (?).

It was due to very special conditions, I realise, that I was able to acquire this exceptional work at so low a figure. I feel certain that had the exhibition at the Marlborough Galleries taken place before my getting in touch with the Percy Moore Turner Estate, this would not have been possible because the Marlborough figures, as you probably know, could allow me to quote a considerably higher price than the $4,200.00 which I set. However, should the special reduction allow you to acquire this beautiful work, I would be very pleased.

As I believe I explained to you, Dr. Klaus Berger is the one who considers this scene to be the battle field of Maipu. The period (1818-19), the uniforms, and the landscape, plus, of course, the published documents on Gericault's drawings and lithographs all sustain his point of view. Furthermore, according to the documentation given me by one of the executors of the Turner Estate, this watercolor was exhibited both in Paris and in England, but the indications were so vague that I am not sure that I have actually identified these exhibitions with the exception of the one at the Manchester Museum.

Do let me hear of your decision at your earliest convenience and with kindest thoughts,


Germain Seligman

Richard S. Davis, esq.
Wayzata 5