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September 30, 1952

Dear Dick:

Your letter of September 26, practically greeted me upon my arrival as my flying trip extended for just over a week.

I am glad to know you were able to make arrangement with Lowy as regards a frame for the Tocque. I hope it will be adequate as I assume you have not seen it and left it more or less to him. 

I shall ask him to have it delivered here as soon as available so that we can transfer the Tocque from one frame to the other.

Answering your query the "Express Eugenie" will be also at the gallery and Budworth will be able to collect both paintings at this address in the week of October 27, as you suggest.

I have noted that your museum will take care of all packing and shipping expenses, and may I say that in turn I prefer to insure the paintings myself.

Within the next few days I will send your photographs of each painting and herein you will find data concerning them for your catalogue.

With best regards,


(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Richard S. Davis
Minneapolis Institute of Arts