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I know that your firm must own a number of portraits which meet our qualifications and I hope to review and discuss these with you as soon as you return and reopen your gallery. In the meantime, however, I am very anxious to make certain of the Winterhalter, for I hope we can group it with some related material. I know that it will have tremendous public appeal. 

We naturally expect to take care of all expenses in connection with packing, shipping, and insurance. We would be glad to place the last here, or if you would prefer to place the insurance, take care of the premium. If you agree to the loan, I hope that we can arrange for two 8 x 10 glossy photographs of the painting and obtain your permission to reproduce it in our catalogues. 

I suspect that you and Ethlyne are still vacationing in France or the Virgin Islands, but trust that Mrs. Parker will forward this request. 

Sincerely, as always,
Richard S. Davis 
Senior Curator

Mr. Germain Seligman
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, New York
