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the fines assigned by him. Your petitioner would respectfully submit that as the property really belongs to a citizen of New York, although he has no agent to look after it for the present, the Freedmans Bureau, has no jurisdiction over the subject, but if I am mistaken in this respect, I submit, that the payment of this fine aforesaid should not be insisted on as your petitioner, in abating the nuisance action under restraint of official authority

Although petitioner further sheweth that said property, in his opinion, house & appurtenances would not before the removal, have commanded three hundred dollars - All of which is respectfully submitted with accompanying proof of the facts set forth - 

Georgia Spalding

In person appeared before the undersigned as acting Justice of the Peace in aforesaid County, John Low who being duly sworn saith that the forgoing facts set forth in his petition are true according to his information & belief - 

Sworn to & subscribed before Me this 10th day of July 1866 - 
Jno. L. Dayal J.P.   John Low

Transcription Notes:
Sheweth : To show humbly, to establish, to prove appurtenances: an accessory or other item associated with a particular activity or style of living. saith: archaic third person singular present of say.