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Clerks Office Griffin Ga
January 18th 1866

Capt John Low Greetings. You are hereby commanded to remove a nuisance on your lot on Broadway St by removing & cleaning up the Cellar under your building adjoining the Brick Building of Messrs Hill & Swayze within five days from date otherwise the nuisance will be removed by Council at your expense

Witness His Honor A. Bellamy
Thomas Vall C.C.C.

Copy - Clerks Office Griffin Ga. Jan 24th 1866
To Capt John Low - Greetings
You are hereby commanded to abate two nuisances on Broadway Street within five days otherwise Council will abate the same at your expense.
First - filling up a cellar adjoining the Brick building of Messrs Hill & Swayze now used by Freedmen & others in the vicinity as a sink & depositing of Offal &c. 
Witness his honor A Bellamy
Mayor this 24th day of Jan 1866
Thos Vall C.C.C.