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Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Office of A.S.A. Com
August Geo
June 4 1866

Personally appeared before me J.K. Smith Capt & A.S.A. Com_ one Susanna Small who upon oath states that Henry McDonald_ called Henrietta Austin a damned bitch_ I was carrying in the breakfast & hurried to see what was the matter_ Henrietta Austin passed me going out as I was going in_ as I went in Mrs. McDonald said to me_ you (Susanna Small) ought to have had the breakfast on the table at 7 o'clock_ I said no matter when I had the breakfast on the table he (Henry McDonald) was always cussing me like a dog_ he then threw a table knife at me; (which he was eating with) & struck me over the right eye, I then started out, when he raised a chair at me & Mrs McDonald got between me & him & as I went out of the door, Henry McDonald kicked me.

Susanna her mark x Small