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Transcription: [00:09:56]
{SPEAKER name="Warren Perry"}
This is a moment in the Great Gatsby I want to illustrate to you which is terribly interesting— this is how good a writer Scott Fitzgerald is.

We're at the end of chapter 2 in The Great Gatsby.

Tom Buchanan and his mistress, Myrtle, have a house in Manhattan.

They have a party there and they invite Nick Carraway, who's the one who is telling us the story of Gatsby.

At this party everybody gets drunk. It's an absolutely awful gathering. The people begin drinking in the afternoon -- the whole thing turns into a blur. And there is this couple who live downstairs from where Tom and Myrtle had rented this apartment. They're the McKees. Mr. McKee is a photographer. Mr. McKee and Nick Carraway get very drunk.

Please look toward the end of the pa--I'm sorry, about half way down the page.

This takes place right as Tom Buchanan has hit Myrtle in the nose and he's busted her nose up because she won't shouting the na--she won't stop shouting the name of Tom's wife, Daisy.

She says over and over again, Daisy, Daisy, Daisy -- and then he hits her in the face and there's a horrible scene, it's very, very violent. And you as the reader are caught up in this scene. It's a significant and inhumane moment and it belongs entirely to Tom Buchanan.

Scott Fitzgerald, inside that moment weaves something into Nick Carraway's character that unless you read closely, you completely overlook. Again, we are at the end of chapter 2.

So, Mr. McKee the photographer says, come to lunch someday. As we groan down in the elevator.

Where? -- and this is Nick Carraway doing the question and answer with him, right. -- Anywhere. --

Keep your hands off the lever, snapped the elevator boy. -- A little Freudian thing at work there. --

I beg your pardon, said Mr. McKee with dignity, I didn't know I was touching it. --

Alright, I agreed, I'll be glad to... -- You see those three ellipsis before the next sentence? And then you see the next sentence? --

I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets clad in his underwear with a great portfolio in his hands --