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people get homesick so it's important to provide the food they are used to
perch act-pole with person at botom, and 2nd person climbs to the top of the pole
gymnastics very different from circus acrobatics which involves lots of adjustments
crossover between depression era cooking and circus cooking
you don't need a lot to make a great flavorful dish
"use what you got"
circuses close, reopen, financially unstable
circus world is small
"You are circus" means "you are the salt of the earth"
you will always help someone even though they have strong opinions
It's becoming rare for circuses to travel, it's expensive
traditional vs. contemporary circuses
Big Apple Circus    Cirque de Soleil
one ring w/ringmaster
Some companies straddle both
lots of variety is out there
lower raw eggs into soup-1 egg per person-poach in the water 5-10 min.
finish with parsley or basil (adds color)
Zip-Zap circus organization in Africa
clown-in every culture on earth