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*See log sheet #2 as well* [[all underlined]]
June 29-July 6-9, 2017 
Log Sheet #5
Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio/Video Log Sheet
Logger/Videographer: Paul Motsuk John McFarland Eugene Townes
Recorder Number (Main): CFCH 9
File Name: Open1-0042.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH 16
File Name: Open2-0351.wav
Presenter:s Michael Christensen 
Date/Time: 7-1-17, around 3:30 pm
Program: Circus Arts
Stage: Clown Alley
Group Name: Healthy Humor, a non-profit org.
Session Title: Medical Clowning in Hospitals, by Healthy Humor
[[2 Collumned Table]]
|Michael Christensen founded|->|Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit in 1986
talked about the art of paridy [[strikethrough]] parady, which
is the art of making fun of something|
|Karen McCarthy| |artistic director of Healthy Humor, field of Health Care|
|Colleen Kents| |other members/clowning, she said clowning is an Art|
|Bill Boots| |of Healthy Humor|
Contents/Notes (continue on back):
1. They were [[strikethrough]] wear less make-up and less clown clothing because of working
2. in a hospital.
3. They align themselves with the healthy part of a child
5. It is therapeutic for children.
6. In 1990 Life magazine profiled their work.
8. They have a program at the National Medical Center as well,