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June 29-July 4; July 6-9, 2017
Log Sheet # 1

Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Audio / Video Log Sheet

Logger / Videographer: Janine Winfree
Recorder Number (Main): CFCH 4
File Name: CookHI_0060.wav
Recorder Number (Backup): CFCH
File Name: STE-000.wav
Presenter: Arnie Malin
Date / Time: 7/1 -11 am
Program: Foodways Circus Arts
Stage: Cookhouse
Group Name: Circus Smirkus / Sailor Circus
Session Title: Wake Up + Smell the Coffee: Hearty Breakfasts
Breakfast Cookies & Lacey Fried Eggs

[[2 Columned Table]]
|Amity Stoddard| |Kitchen Director - Circus Smirkus|
|Sarah Chapman| |Cook - Sailor Circus has no microphone at first|

Contents / Notes (continue on back):
1. Dramatic Reading of Ringling Cookhouse 
2. Mr. Zopei (sp?)
3. Raise the flag! yellow flag to let people know it's time to eat
4. Lacey eggs -> fat poured over egg
5. Pat Milligan (Clown) made this recipe
6. Aerate butter for good cookies!
7. Protein Rich Foods (beans, eggs)
8. Tradition to give other circus workers tickets / food
often eyeball measurements in palm of hand
Spreading cookies -> too much fat or oven too cold
Once bacon fat bubbles, add egg. Then baste by pouring it over eggs
"Lacey" -> named after a kid